IT companies, computer repair centers, Information Technology training companies and more who wish to rank in Google search need something on their website called content. If you own one of these companies and wish to rank better in search you will be hard pressed to find anyone in the field more experienced and able than myself.

IT Content and SEO

My background in IT

I first started using computers in the mid 1980s when I was 8yrs old. The computer I used was some Texas Instruments device that had no way to store things. I connected it to a clunky 12” black and white TV set. I would sit and program games such as hangman in BASIC, play them, then turn the device off, erasing all of my work. I jumped online at 300 baud using a friend’s Commodore 64 and a 300 baud modem. It was amazing; I was completely intoxicated with the possibilities of computer networking. By around 1993 I was running a BBS, distributing custom VB scripts around the country via my own network, distributing FidoNet and even the less popular Internet. There was a point every VirtualNet email in the Northeastern United States passed through my computer. By 1999 I was a seasoned computer repair technician, certified copper, certified fiber technician, and I had taken multiple courses from MCSE to Wireless technologies. My machines at home ran everything from BeOS to Red Hat, Novell, DOS, FreeBSD, and every flavor of Windows imaginable. I have closely watched the entire industry evolve. In the early days of IRC I chatted online with hackers such as Captain Crunch. I know why Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf invented TCP/IP. I remember when Tim Berners-Lee set up the first web server, when ICQ came out, when Google was released. I love being on the cutting edge of technology; I’ve been on nearly every social network in beta, I bought every modem on its release date over the years and have promoted things such as Google Fiber. From 2001 – 2012 I owned a IT company in North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park. This company was successful entirely due to its massive online presence and quality content.

My first technology related content I produced and marketed was a BBS List which I updated monthly and distributed at the local library. The monthly list was hand curated by myself and also included a news piece. Tips usually included advanced memory management tweaks, initialization sting codes, virus prevention and removal information. These days I produce content around computer hardware, software, social media, and more. I am also able to take a subject I know nothing about, understand it, and produce unique, quality, search engine friendly content around it which will get traffic. Of course, traffic that doesn’t convert is completely useless; I am aware of this and produce copy that targets your ideal audience.

Telapost’s Ideal Client

We are currently producing content in the Information Technology area for:

We only produce content for one niche per area. If there is a conflict of interest we will let you know and supply you with a reference of a capable copywriter. Our IT training provider covers all of North America including Mexico, The United States, and Canada. All of our IT clients increased their budgets with us this year at their request! You can’t make this stuff up! References are on hand and available.

Why do IT companies and computer repair centers need content and SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is a complex arena. Backlinks will only take you so far. You need content. If you’re not sure why you need content, please read why your website needs content. If you need computer repair SEO we can create a cost effective online marketing campaign for you. As of 2014, we have well over 10 years of experience in ranking computer repair related websites. Examples are provided to prospective clients upon request. Finding another person or company with this level of creativity, experience in IT and search engine marketing is going to be difficult.

Need content marketing or social media services?

We’re also very active in online forums with over 100,000 members and actively discuss everything from Google Fiber to computer recycling, Android, iOS and more.

Are you ready?

Consistently creating content around your niche makes your company a topical authority which leads to major results. If you’re ready to increase the amount of business you’re doing contact us here.


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